ROIC Calculations: Tricky Line-Items
Running through ROIC calculations and ROIC analysis? Get professional tips on tricky line items that may come up with specific companies.
ROIC: Operating vs. Financing Approach
Explore the operating vs. financing approaches to ROIC and learn how to avoid misjudging operating assets by using the wrong approach.
What We Have So Far on Return On Invested Capital
This is the fourth part of an in-depth ROIC series. We consider absolute and relative ROIC and the rate and quality of earnings for capital providers.
Continuing with Calculating ROIC: FAQs
Why use book value over market value when calculating invested capital? Here we continue our discussion regarding net fixed assets.
How To Calculate ROIC
Learn how to calculate ROIC while exploring concepts including net working capital, current assets, current liabilities, and effective tax rate.
The ROIC Rate
Curious what constitutes a good rate of return? Buckle up as we dive into concepts including risk premium, equity risk premium, and risk-free rate.